Monday, May 23, 2011


In class 13 we were given our final assignment for the quarter. The Colman for the home assignment is a group design project. The mission is to design a hypothetical product for Coleman, a company whose sole focus is outdoor and camping products. Our job is to design a product that helps Coleman break into the home goods market. The product must be something inspired by Coleman's style. Along with the product the groups also have to design packaging for the product and a kiosk for either in-store display or trade shows.

Our group started the process by listing everything we thought could describe Coleman. We listed their products and who their target consumer is. After that we started a list of Coleman products that could easily be translated into home products and how to convert them.

The next three classes were work sessions for the Coleman project. Our group's project started focusing on a bed/storage unit for college kids. Through our research we determined Coleman was known for products that were space saving. When outdoors or camping people need to pack light and compact. Coleman designs products that compact well but remain light and easy to carry. With this in mind we thought of problems people in the home have and how a Coleman product could help this.

In our next work session we had a break through and scrapped our previous product. The new product that we've been developing in the subsequent class has all the elements of a Coleman product but designed for in home use.

All in all the last four classes have been really beneficial for the design majors. We have had the opportunity to dig in and get a sense of how to work in a group on a project. From brainstorming to bouncing Ideas off one another I think our group has built a great rapport with each other. We look forward to presenting our product which I think we are all proud of.

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