Friday, April 29, 2011

J05 Peer Dialogue 2

I spent the afternoon reading through many of the blogs from class, something I really haven't done yet. The last time I pretty much stuck to the Kings club which I'm sure I will do for this assignment as well. I am glad I took the time to look over some of these blogs because I'm finding some interesting stuff about my classmates.

The first blog I wanted to mention was Zack_S' blog. I love the idea of giving your postings different song titles. Reading all these blogs can be sort of monotonous. Not because there is nothing interesting in them but because we are all blogging about the same things. I think adding the song titles not only makes Zack's blog unique but also breaks up some of the monotony. One suggestion may be, don't tell us the artist and maybe we can guess in our peer dialogue posts. If you haven't read his blog and you do read mine you should check it out:

The next blog I found was Shannon Catron's. First of all it's called Chewbacca's Corner which is, quite possibly the BEST title for a blog ever! Second, Shannon is looking to major in Visual Communications which is my major. Right there are two reasons to like this blog, a potential VC major who is a star wars fan. But the thing that really sold me was the Fresh Prince-esq introduction. Again if you haven't seen this blog check it out, good stuff.
Oh and one more thing... really cool found face

On to the Kings!

I like Sarah Howard's course reflection post, especially her interest of the impact of design on the environment. She said, "If as a whole society we focused more energy and efforts innovating and problem solving issues of serious importance than designing pointless items that don’t really do much but look nice I wonder how much different life would be." I like this point because I think this has been the overall theme of the class, using design thinking to change the way we do things for the better and not repeating the mistakes of the past. She ends this post with another really good observation, "Most importantly it will take the efforts of the masses and successful intervention and innovation will require the participation of all."

In Ricardo's first peer dialogue he says, "I like to travel and I think we all should travel to different places and just broaden ourselves and be open to different cultures." I love this point and am glad he said it. I too think everyone should broaden their view of the world. When speaking to one of the design professors on campus I asked him what a person should do to help develop their skills as a designer, to which he replied, "learn a new language, go to that country and see how they do it differently than we do." This conversation has always stuck with me. If we truly want to expand ourselves we need to experience, first hand, how other cultures live, act, work etc.

In Mike Freeze's blog he talks about the lecture on the design process and says of it, "I was a little surprised by the way it was described because I always imagined it to be a much more fluid and free process.  But I then discovered that – like many things – the process is unique to each person, company, etc." I too was surprised by the process IDEO uses to develop a design solution. It seemed to me like organized chaos. It's almost as if IDEO throws everything they know about a product or system into the mix and what they do is filter out the most important aspects of it.

Finally some of my favorite found faces: - like this one because I too own a mazda 3. - this one almost looks like a character from the simpsons.

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